Obama will lead astray, if possible, even the elect...
Mt 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Obviously I haven’t been posting here for a very long time now. I am planning to spend some time blogging as I can in the near future but for now I wanted to place a link to share for whomever may happen to visit this blog.
With the upcoming elections next week in the USA I, as many other believers in Christ Jesus, have certain concerns about the man Barrack Obama becoming president of our country. I know God is Sovereign and He will cause everything to work out in His will no matter who He sets in the White House. Yet I believe that through this government which God has ordained, as is clear in Romans 13, He has given all of us citizens a voice through a vote. This vote may be a drop in the bucket but a bucket does fill if drops are many. So, in essence, I see God has given the responsibility of this country's government into the citizen’s hands.
For the sake of those who might think that everyone who opposes Barrack Obama is racist I will preface my vote against him with this. If Alan Keyes ran for President against Obama I would have ran to the booths and voted for him and likely more enthusiastically than I will vote for McCain. This is a fact that many would agree with as well proving that this play on saying so many are prejudiced is just propaganda to work to place in the office of President a man who is willing to see the death of the most voiceless and innocent people in the country… children who are still needing their mothers umbilical cord to survive. This is only one of the many evils this man will push upon Americans. If we really are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ we will know and be sensitive to these facts and do what we can to prevent Obama from becoming the next President. If, however, too many Christians have become too numb to the voice of God and His Word in their lives God may permit such an evil leader over us to be used as Pharaoh was to move us into His will with Him. We are to be salt and light whatever comes of this election and believers should be serious and sober and intercede that God’s will is done on earth as in Heaven.
I leave it there and also leave this serious word from someone who deserves an ear from us.
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