Onward Christian Soldiers!
Job 12:18-21
He looses the bonds of kings and binds a waistcloth on their hips. He leads priests away stripped and overthrows the mighty. He deprives of speech those who are trusted and takes away the discernment of the elders. He pours contempt on princes (ESV)
I truly believe that our now Leftist Marxist President Barack Obama is only in office at this time by God’s temporary permission. First of all I believe, as I have gathered from information available, that this President is not in office legitimately. He has denied the people of America proofs that he was truly eligible according to the laws of the constitution of the US which is of the People, by the People, and for the People. The government is supposed to be accountable to and answer to We the People. There was no excuse for his failure to supply this proof to the USA People yet at the same time he paid a very large sum of money out to cover up his true identity. I believe, as do those who have their eyes clearly open, that Barack Obama is a part of those (see Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky) who schemed and worked long ago to help deteriorate the morals and the morale of this country so as to -by design- subvert the government from its original intentions to another form of communistic control over the people which strips them of their rights as citizens and demoralizes this once great country. Hypocritically they are accusing others of what they actually do and also claiming things like "hope" which they have worked to steal from the people and replace with the fear they accused others of instilling. Many of those out there who blindly deny this and accuse everyone else of the failures in this country will likely not even honestly consider this until it is way too late. That is if God permits this work towards communist control to develop unchecked. This is where faith of believing Christians comes in.
Those of us who believe our God is the absolute and complete Sovereign over all of the affairs of the earth know that no man (or woman) can or will stand in any office of authority any longer than our Lord pleases for His purposes. This Scripture passage has been shared many times by Christians and I would hope not to wear it out in the hearts of people but rather to see God truly revive the heart of what He has said here:
At this time verse 20 of Job 12 is understood in this country; “He deprives of speech those who are trusted and takes away the discernment of the elders”. Due to the ill will of so many in this country who choose to ignore God and His Truth I believe God has given them what they wanted. And that is men and women ruling without conscience and with hard hearts. Yet may God have mercy on us and reveal His Power by turning the tide before it is too late and much more (as it has been severe to this time already) ungodliness hits and destroys beyond repair. And we hope as the Scripture says:
Onward Christian Soldiers!
Those of us who believe our God is the absolute and complete Sovereign over all of the affairs of the earth know that no man (or woman) can or will stand in any office of authority any longer than our Lord pleases for His purposes. This Scripture passage has been shared many times by Christians and I would hope not to wear it out in the hearts of people but rather to see God truly revive the heart of what He has said here:
2Chron 7: 13-14In context we know that this was specifically spoken for Israel in that time yet I believe the principle of God’s response is the same today for His people through Christ. At that time of Israel the nation was a theocracy with a king, prophet, and priests under the direct rule and laws of God. At this time, in this country, I believe as I have heard pastor/teacher John MacArthur say that there is no such thing as a Christian nation and there never was nor will be until Christ has subdued all enemies under His feet in the Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus our Lord. There are Christians within this country shining the Light of Christ’s call to Salvation by repentance through faith in Him and we are to be His salt and light in our personal and corporate witness of Him. And through this influence of our prayers, life styles, morals, and declaring the Gospel of Salvation God may grant mercy by stirring the hearts of His people and saving other souls from this world’s corruption which is inevitably heading for a further judgment from God. Obviously if God wills this mercy to happens enough in this country the result may be a change in the government reflecting the will of the people and maintaining honest and godly laws which keep the people’s lives (including those in the womb) protected from evil men and impostors. If, however, the majority of people in this country keep calling good evil and evil good (Is 5:20)-as is happening so much these days- we will know the result of an unchanging Holy God who rules over the affairs of all men and the result will be disastrous to say the least. For He has promised this found in Gal 6:7-9:
When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (ESV)
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.As I consider the truth of Job 12:18-21 I will be praying along with my brothers and sisters who take God at His Words (ALL OF THEM! Not just those few bible quotes spoken with other godless words to please men and pervert the gospel as those spoken by the likes of Rick Warren and company) that God will work a work of true Salvation in the souls of many who will come to Him for Life. And the truly changed hearts will produce enough salt and light to influence the removal of those in offices of this government who are full of corruption and death and then see fit to place in authority those who will govern as God intends through godly laws and sound and strong defense for this country's well being (Rom 13:4).
At this time verse 20 of Job 12 is understood in this country; “He deprives of speech those who are trusted and takes away the discernment of the elders”. Due to the ill will of so many in this country who choose to ignore God and His Truth I believe God has given them what they wanted. And that is men and women ruling without conscience and with hard hearts. Yet may God have mercy on us and reveal His Power by turning the tide before it is too late and much more (as it has been severe to this time already) ungodliness hits and destroys beyond repair. And we hope as the Scripture says:
Is 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, And His glory from the rising of the sun; When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him. (NKJV)This has been misunderstood because of the difficulty of the original language so it is said like this in the ESV:
So they shall fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the LORD drives.I believe the meaning of this is that when the enemy gains strength against true followers of Christ and even increases persecution on the true Church, the Sovereign Spirit of God will come in like a flood with His wind which will overcome with spiritual and effective force to accomplish victory over the enemy. Though the victory may include hard times for the Church She will shine brightly in this dark world and promote the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which will bring new souls into the Kingdom of God (Phil 2:14-16, 2Tim 2:24 - 3:1). This is a spiritual battle (not of flesh and blood) which we can and will eventually win as we will not be overcome by evil but rather overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21) never confusing the two (evil and good) with ungodly twisted words or ideas.
Onward Christian Soldiers!