Thanksgiving everyday and pray...Keeping alert in it!
Every day is a day for thanksgiving and every day is a day to pray.
Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; … (Col 4:2 -NAS)I am looking at this verse on this day those of us in America call “Thanksgiving Day”. This country may or may not be considered much of great country in the days to come but we know that the founding fathers intended on those born or legal immigrants in this nation -including those in the generations to come- to offer thanksgiving to the Sovereign God for His providence and protection. This will not likely continue with those seeking to “change” this nation into far left liberal cesspool of legalized and enforced sin but I will stand with those true Christians who love God and oppose evil. For those of you who do not think “evil” is a choice word to use these days because it is an extreme word, I promise you that when the enemies of America gain a foothold and come in to torture, murder, or rape because we let them through an administration working to weaken our defenses, and this happens directly to you, you will then understand that evil is not so far from your vocabulary.
Going back to the Scripture from Colossians, I like the NAS rendering through the words “attitude of thanksgiving” because attitude is something from the heart and not just the lips. God sees our hearts and knows if there is real genuine faith in His True Person there and not just lip service for the sake of PR as we so clearly found from the tongue of the President-elect Barack Obama. Let us face it, the next president of the USA has given clear evidence of having no real faith in the Holy Words of God but rather clear evidence of very much opposing the mandates of our Lords Words. Consequences for this will follow as we continue to see a decline of moral strength in this country greatly influenced by such a man as this next president and those who endorse or back him. Yes, we must respect his position of authority by acknowledging him for the good he does (if he does any good) but never are we to give in to demands for Christians to accept evil policies or laws clearly contradicting Gods Word. As the apostle Peter said to those in authority at his time “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5). And John the Baptist lost his life under the rule of Herod for publicly denouncing Herod’s sinful immorality (Mt 14).
We cannot yield to those with a double tongue who are gently hissing the words “has God really said?” On one side they present to the world that they are such a loving and sweet family –as Stalin and Hitler in their day attempted to do through propaganda- beguiling so many who swallow this foolishly and even harshly defend their appearance. And yet on the other side we know –and I mean KNOW- that it is clearly expressed from Barack Obama’s own words that he is willing to enforce through laws the killing of babies to the extreme and the rights for immorality as that found in the homosexual choice of living. Any human with a brain KNOWS that these behaviors and actions (abortion and homosexual rights) all stem from selfish desires caring less for others lives all in the name of "HAPPINESS". And this coming President is willing to spend through taxation the hard earned money of others for this as he takes away from the much needed security for the USA where this country needs to spend. And of course we know that we do not have the money in the first place so to say that paying for the willful sins of some is more important than using that particular money for our security is bound to be deadly to this country's well being and the lives here including those who would rather have their selfish and irresponsible pleasures paid for by Americans. Will Barack Obama stop at the murder of those who are yet alive from a botched abortion which is -by any honest definition- infanticide? They sure know how to say they love their own children and some others but they clearly are heartless toward the very existanse of these most innocent and voiceless people. Obviously because they will never be given the right to vote! Why would he need to stop there if he believes that the life of an innocent human being –who otherwise would be rocked in his mother’s arms within minutes- is not important at that time!? Will those demanding that they have the right to sin in homosexuality by undermining the family unit -as God ordained it- stop there? The activity of homosexuality is a choice not something you are born with like the color of your skin or the sexual organs you have. For these people to say that they have equal rights under our constitution for their choice of activities is a blatant sham! If you think all this evil will stop there you may be dead wrong!!! The limit is on the evil imaginations of man and how far God will have patience before correcting His willfully sinful human race.
I have heard the utter perversion and insanity of some in the media defending the rights of homosexuals because they say it is right that these people should have some pursuit of "HAPPINESS". Saying out of absolute dumbness of the true meaning that this is granted to them in the constitution. If the majority says pedophilia, bigamy, and bestiality must be made legal because this is what "gives people happiness" do you really think it will stop there? THESE CERTAIN BIG MOUTHS IN THE MEDIA -HARPING FOR ATTENTION FROM THOSE WHO HAVE THE ITCHING EARS FOR IT- ARE DUMB, BLIND, STUPID, AND MAYBE WILLFULLY SO AT THAT! If the life of the most innocent and voiceless of humans is not to be acknowledged because of "my right to happiness" and the will for pleasure without responsibility or care for another life, do you really suppose that your life can not be seen as disposable by a people trained to think of life this way? If you think this evil will be limited you may be dead wrong as those in the days of Hitler or Stalin!!! And if you have any conscience at all you know I am right even as you fight against it. God will permit this evil to go so far and then He will act in His own justice and no defense on earth will stop Him then. All the laughter, sick jokes, and mocking will come to a SUDDEN AND TERRIFYING STOP as you will see that you have promoted terrorism to come to you personally and to those of us who have been warning you all along while you enjoy your fame in being a foolish mocker!
So why all of this after starting a Thanksgiving Day post with a verse from the Scriptures? Well, I intended to keep with the idea of showing our need for continued thanksgiving and prayer everyday but as I look back on my words here I realize I may have responded to the mandate in this verse which seems to be overlooked too much. Not only do many of us tend to forget the daily need for prayer and thanksgiving to God but what of the words “keeping alert in it”. If we don’t know what is going on in this world at this time how will we know what to pray? And the foundation of understanding what is going on is based on knowing God’s Words and their balance and application.
I am very thankful today –and I should be every day- for the grace and mercy God has shown to me in my life in every way as I have sinned and failed like the rest of us. God tells me I must acknowledge and turn from my sin to Him and this is what I choose to do. If it was not for His grace and mercy I would be completely lost and a spiritually blinded man or I would be in Hell by now. And I do pray today –and I should pray every day- that God’s will is done on earth as in Heaven. That evil is exposed and innocent lives are spared and protected. That immorality will not continue to undermine the strength of this country. These are some of the prayers I will pray along with other true Christians of our day. God will grant us justice in His way and time; meanwhile He may permit some evil to increase to test our faith and also He may prepare to judge those promoting the evil unless they too come to know the grace and mercy of God through repentance.
On a more personal note I am thankful to God for my wife who has been faithful and loving to me all these years even when I have not been the best husband to her at times. And I am thankful that God has been faithful to meet all the needs of my family and He has given us the direction and strength to work a small family owned business for going on 13 years now. Only He knows what the days ahead have for us and yet I want to have a heart that will trust Him in the good and the difficult. May I always pray, be aware of what is happening, and have an attitude of thanksgiving every day.
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