Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving everyday and pray...Keeping alert in it!

Every day is a day for thanksgiving and every day is a day to pray.
Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; … (Col 4:2 -NAS)
I am looking at this verse on this day those of us in America call “Thanksgiving Day”. This country may or may not be considered much of great country in the days to come but we know that the founding fathers intended on those born or legal immigrants in this nation -including those in the generations to come- to offer thanksgiving to the Sovereign God for His providence and protection. This will not likely continue with those seeking to “change” this nation into far left liberal cesspool of legalized and enforced sin but I will stand with those true Christians who love God and oppose evil. For those of you who do not think “evil” is a choice word to use these days because it is an extreme word, I promise you that when the enemies of America gain a foothold and come in to torture, murder, or rape because we let them through an administration working to weaken our defenses, and this happens directly to you, you will then understand that evil is not so far from your vocabulary.

Going back to the Scripture from Colossians, I like the NAS rendering through the words “attitude of thanksgiving” because attitude is something from the heart and not just the lips. God sees our hearts and knows if there is real genuine faith in His True Person there and not just lip service for the sake of PR as we so clearly found from the tongue of the President-elect Barack Obama. Let us face it, the next president of the USA has given clear evidence of having no real faith in the Holy Words of God but rather clear evidence of very much opposing the mandates of our Lords Words. Consequences for this will follow as we continue to see a decline of moral strength in this country greatly influenced by such a man as this next president and those who endorse or back him. Yes, we must respect his position of authority by acknowledging him for the good he does (if he does any good) but never are we to give in to demands for Christians to accept evil policies or laws clearly contradicting Gods Word. As the apostle Peter said to those in authority at his time “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5). And John the Baptist lost his life under the rule of Herod for publicly denouncing Herod’s sinful immorality (Mt 14).

We cannot yield to those with a double tongue who are gently hissing the words “has God really said?” On one side they present to the world that they are such a loving and sweet family –as Stalin and Hitler in their day attempted to do through propaganda- beguiling so many who swallow this foolishly and even harshly defend their appearance. And yet on the other side we know –and I mean KNOW- that it is clearly expressed from Barack Obama’s own words that he is willing to enforce through laws the killing of babies to the extreme and the rights for immorality as that found in the homosexual choice of living. Any human with a brain KNOWS that these behaviors and actions (abortion and homosexual rights) all stem from selfish desires caring less for others lives all in the name of "HAPPINESS". And this coming President is willing to spend through taxation the hard earned money of others for this as he takes away from the much needed security for the USA where this country needs to spend. And of course we know that we do not have the money in the first place so to say that paying for the willful sins of some is more important than using that particular money for our security is bound to be deadly to this country's well being and the lives here including those who would rather have their selfish and irresponsible pleasures paid for by Americans. Will Barack Obama stop at the murder of those who are yet alive from a botched abortion which is -by any honest definition- infanticide? They sure know how to say they love their own children and some others but they clearly are heartless toward the very existanse of these most innocent and voiceless people. Obviously because they will never be given the right to vote! Why would he need to stop there if he believes that the life of an innocent human being –who otherwise would be rocked in his mother’s arms within minutes- is not important at that time!? Will those demanding that they have the right to sin in homosexuality by undermining the family unit -as God ordained it- stop there? The activity of homosexuality is a choice not something you are born with like the color of your skin or the sexual organs you have. For these people to say that they have equal rights under our constitution for their choice of activities is a blatant sham! If you think all this evil will stop there you may be dead wrong!!! The limit is on the evil imaginations of man and how far God will have patience before correcting His willfully sinful human race.

I have heard the utter perversion and insanity of some in the media defending the rights of homosexuals because they say it is right that these people should have some pursuit of "HAPPINESS". Saying out of absolute dumbness of the true meaning that this is granted to them in the constitution. If the majority says pedophilia, bigamy, and bestiality must be made legal because this is what "gives people happiness" do you really think it will stop there? THESE CERTAIN BIG MOUTHS IN THE MEDIA -HARPING FOR ATTENTION FROM THOSE WHO HAVE THE ITCHING EARS FOR IT- ARE DUMB, BLIND, STUPID, AND MAYBE WILLFULLY SO AT THAT! If the life of the most innocent and voiceless of humans is not to be acknowledged because of "my right to happiness" and the will for pleasure without responsibility or care for another life, do you really suppose that your life can not be seen as disposable by a people trained to think of life this way? If you think this evil will be limited you may be dead wrong as those in the days of Hitler or Stalin!!! And if you have any conscience at all you know I am right even as you fight against it. God will permit this evil to go so far and then He will act in His own justice and no defense on earth will stop Him then. All the laughter, sick jokes, and mocking will come to a SUDDEN AND TERRIFYING STOP as you will see that you have promoted terrorism to come to you personally and to those of us who have been warning you all along while you enjoy your fame in being a foolish mocker!

So why all of this after starting a Thanksgiving Day post with a verse from the Scriptures? Well, I intended to keep with the idea of showing our need for continued thanksgiving and prayer everyday but as I look back on my words here I realize I may have responded to the mandate in this verse which seems to be overlooked too much. Not only do many of us tend to forget the daily need for prayer and thanksgiving to God but what of the words “keeping alert in it”. If we don’t know what is going on in this world at this time how will we know what to pray? And the foundation of understanding what is going on is based on knowing God’s Words and their balance and application.

I am very thankful today –and I should be every day- for the grace and mercy God has shown to me in my life in every way as I have sinned and failed like the rest of us. God tells me I must acknowledge and turn from my sin to Him and this is what I choose to do. If it was not for His grace and mercy I would be completely lost and a spiritually blinded man or I would be in Hell by now. And I do pray today –and I should pray every day- that God’s will is done on earth as in Heaven. That evil is exposed and innocent lives are spared and protected. That immorality will not continue to undermine the strength of this country. These are some of the prayers I will pray along with other true Christians of our day. God will grant us justice in His way and time; meanwhile He may permit some evil to increase to test our faith and also He may prepare to judge those promoting the evil unless they too come to know the grace and mercy of God through repentance.

On a more personal note I am thankful to God for my wife who has been faithful and loving to me all these years even when I have not been the best husband to her at times. And I am thankful that God has been faithful to meet all the needs of my family and He has given us the direction and strength to work a small family owned business for going on 13 years now. Only He knows what the days ahead have for us and yet I want to have a heart that will trust Him in the good and the difficult. May I always pray, be aware of what is happening, and have an attitude of thanksgiving every day.

He makes counselors walk barefoot...

Job 12:17
"He makes counselors walk barefoot And makes fools of judges. (NAS)

He leads counselors away plundered, And makes fools of the judges. (NKJV)

He leads counselors away stripped, and judges he makes fools. (ESV)
Consider this commentary by John Trapp:
Ver. 17. He leadeth counsellors away spoiled] viz. Of wit, wealth, and honour. This should be a warning to them, not to take ill causes in hand, not to call evil good and good evil, not to justify the wicked for a reward, and to take away the righteousness of the righteous from him; not to bolster out a bad cause, and to outface a good, lest if they improve their wits and parts to so evil an end, God make them as despicable as before they were honourable. They may see what the Lord did to Ahithophel, that oracle of his time; to Pharaoh’s counsellors, #Isa 9:11,12; to Pharaoh himself, #Ex 1:10 with #Pr 28:15.

And he maketh the judges fools] Broughton rendereth the verse thus, He brings counsellors to badness, and judges to stark madness. He infatuateth them, not by infusing folly into them, anymore than the sun, when he shineth not in our horizon, causeth darkness in the air, which of itself and of its own nature is dark. But when God withholdeth that light of wisdom which he had imparted to a man, his inbred darkness must needs show itself. More than this, it sometimes cometh to pass, that when God delivereth a man up for his sins to a reprobate and injudicious mind, he is thenceforth deprived sometimes of natural wisdom and common sense, that the divine revenge may be the more apparent.
I truly believe the more I read Holy Scripture -as I believe it is applied to today- that this man Barack Obama is certainly going to be judged by God in due season if there is no repentance of his will to use the power granted him on an evil course. I read this Scripture from Isaiah chapter 3 and believe there is relevant truth here as well:
1 ¶ For behold, the Lord GOD of hosts is going to remove from Jerusalem and Judah Both supply and support, the whole supply of bread And the whole supply of water;
2 The mighty man and the warrior, The judge and the prophet, The diviner and the elder,
3 The captain of fifty and the honorable man, The counselor and the expert artisan, And the skillful enchanter.
4 And I will make mere lads their princes, And capricious children will rule over them,
5 And the people will be oppressed, Each one by another, and each one by his neighbor; The youth will storm against the elder And the inferior against the honorable. (NAS)
God can and does as He will make life difficult for a nation turned away from Him. America is seeing this happen to her now. And I know about half (maybe more) of America has thought just before the elections that Obama is mature but I have to say he fits with the "capricious children" as Isaiah saw it.

And what is the definition of "capricious"? ...tending to make sudden unexpected changes

As we heard from Barack throughout his campaign "change" was the buzz word. And a constant chameleon is ready to be sworn into the office of the President of what was once -before all this horrible mess the leftist media and ungodly liberals have promoted- considered a great nation. Of course the balance to the truth that the leftist media and the ungodly and godless liberals have worked hard to undermine the integrity of this country is that we Christians sat back and let it happen. Prayer is vital now as we do not wrestle against flesh and blood (Obama and his human cohorts) but we do spiritually fight against the controlling and blinding spirits behind them.

This is where we need to be and stay as it is stated in Ephesians chapter 6...
10 ¶ Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.
11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.
16 in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
17 And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints,... (NAS)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The misled and the misleader are His...

Job 12:16 "With Him are strength and sound wisdom, The misled and the misleader belong to Him. (NAS)

The NKJV and the ESV uses these words: “The deceived and the deceiver are His”

This verse brings some light on the extent of our Lord’s Sovereignty. I want to mention some other verses that seem to uncover the endless reach of the Sovereignty of God over all of His creatures or any persons within His Creation. I believe that Scripture interprets Scripture and seeing other references that bring out the truth of God’s Sovereignty over all beings will give a clearer picture of what is meant in Job 12:16. These are only a few of the multiple references regarding the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His Father.

For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. (Col 1:16-17 -NAS)

Our souls will comprehend only that which God gives light to. I pray God will give light to our understanding of this passage of Scripture. This verse –speaking of Jesus Christ and His Power- covers all, everything, and everyone in any existence at any time without any exception including those things or beings yet to be created. What more is there to reign over than what has been summed up in those few words found in Colossians? “…, and in Him all things hold together”. This tells me that He has not only created all things but He maintains and rules over all He has created or that which He will yet create.

Now going back to my initial post of Obama is not on the throne...GOD IS!!! If we have any concerns about those in authority over us just know that God is ruling over them and we may go directly to the very Highest of all authorities -Jesus Christ Himself- to intercede and ask that justice and correction is served for the sake of righteousness.

“…now, will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry to Him day and night, and will He delay long over them? "I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:7-8 –NAS)

Consider this verse:

The LORD has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil. (Prov. 16:4 -NAS)

And this passage was penned by the Apostle Peter to those Christians of his time who were going through great difficulties:

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation. If you are reviled for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. (1Pet 4:12-14 -NAS)

As this world closes in on true believers -in The One True and Only Christ Jesus- and demands that all join in with acceptance of sin, we must not compromise. True Christian (not those in name only) who wish to be salt and light to a world that is corrupt will hold fast to all the truths of God’s Word and let no one steal their reward through being forced to go against what God said is right and to accept what is wrong. What God said is sin IS SIN! It is an offense against His unchanging Living and Eternal Character and Person. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Heb 13:8 –NAS) Men may work hard to insist that God has changed as they pervert His Holy Words through taking away, adding, or changing the meanings. But when His Power and Holiness is revealed from Heaven they will bow their knees with inconceivable shame on their faces. Their hardened hearts will be crushed as they realize too late that they have denied the only hope of salvation found through Christ Jesus. Those who practice and accept sins like homosexuality, fornication, adultery, murder of their own offspring, lying, or any other sin -clearly spoken by God through His Word as SIN- will no longer have a big month demanding their rights to sin full force in the face of others for they will not be able to speak then. They are load and boisterous now and they may have their way for a season and to a degree but God’s Wrath will come to them in fullness if their hearts are not softened and turned to Him with repentance and acceptance of the death Christ died for them and the New Life He offers them.

The misled and the misleader are His and they will stand before Him and give an account for the life they chose to live before His all-seeing Eyes. If they have rejected His Son and stubbornly held to their selfish sins they will know what it is like to see the One who has gracefully sustained their life suddenly pull back all support and protection that He has been so patiently giving to them through each breath of their life. They will know that Hell is for those who don’t choose Life. Hell is not something true Christians will bring to you but it is something you chose as you reject His Salvation. True followers of our Lord will pray for you and ask God to show them how to speak the truth in love but they will not compromise the true character of God's spoken Word. Christ Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! The Devil came to steal, kill, and destroy through lies of promising ease and pleasures without any obligation to a standard of morals. We each must choose Life or we will know the only alternative. Will your heart respond to Him before it is too late?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama is not on the throne...GOD IS!!!

Think of what is happening in America today and realize God our Great Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ is Sovereign. The more we come to know Who is really in control here the less we will have to fear. I am asking God to grant me insight into the truth of the following passage as it pertains to today in this country which was once known by the rest of the world as free (yet with relative restaint from evil or immorallity) and different. Consider this excerpt of some final words from a writer in the UK after he witnessed what America has chosen. The article is titled:

The night we waved goodbye to America... our last best hope on Earth

Written by Peter Hitchens and posted on the Daily Mail in the UK
................They preferred to posture on the world stage. Scared of confronting Left-wing teachers and sexual revolutionaries at home, they could order soldiers to be brave on their behalf in far-off deserts. And now the US, like Britain before it, has begun the long slow descent into the Third World. How sad. Where now is our last best hope on Earth?
He who has ears to hear will hear...
Job 12:
16 "With Him are strength and sound wisdom, The misled and the misleader belong to Him.
17 "He makes counselors walk barefoot And makes fools of judges.
18 "He loosens the bond of kings And binds their loins with a girdle.
19 "He makes priests walk barefoot And overthrows the secure ones.
20 "He deprives the trusted ones of speech And takes away the discernment of the elders.
21 "He pours contempt on nobles And loosens the belt of the strong.
22 "He reveals mysteries from the darkness And brings the deep darkness into light.
23 "He makes the nations great, then destroys them; He enlarges the nations, then leads them away.
24 "He deprives of intelligence the chiefs of the earth’s people And makes them wander in a pathless waste.
25 "They grope in darkness with no light, And He makes them stagger like a drunken man.
I plan to study this passage in depth and wish to welcome any one else who will do this with me here in the following weeks. Personally I believe this is true...Barack Obama is not the last hope of America but rather he is standing with those who are attempting to steel the last hope of this world as far as a once relatively responsibly free country goes. But true freedom really comes in knowing Christ Jesus and knowing that He has already overcome and is the owner of the misleader and the misled as we witness their part in History. There is no way the discerning will trust Obama as the days ahead will prove, but we can trust in the LORD Jesus Christ! For though we can not see Him, we have a True Hope that will not fade away like the fool's gold hope will which America has just consumed possibly to her own end.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

You hired President Obama...

Now you will see what you have bought!

President Elect Barack Obama wins by having enough Americans willing to buy the product he is selling. He has no real experience to speak of for this job so my question is, how did he win? Why did people buy the product? Barack Obama is a lawyer who has just played his excellent salesman tactics –with the help of David Axelrod- on unsuspecting and very naïve Americans who have swallowed his lies along with all of its poison. Many of his voters were of those thinking not of “the content of his character” but rather of the selfish goodies promised them by the government and also the color of his skin. Neither are wise motivations for voting in an inexperienced man to the highest office during the trying times which lay ahead for this country and its people.

I will preface this post with a word on racism because this has been brought up so much against people who see Barack Obama as unfit for the office of Presidency of the USA. First of all I will say that Barack Obama is not even black enough to actually be called black considering one of his parents is white and the other black. It is my understanding that he is not even considered to be anywhere near half black. SO WHAT!!! What is this big deal made over the color of someone’s skin as we forget the ONLY important factor in this matter which is “the content of one’s character”? But since so many want to push this accusation of racism onto any of the wise who see the danger of an Obama presidency I want to say something about another election here in PA. I and my wife both voted for the man Lynn Swann very enthusiastically when the election for State Governor came up here 2 years ago. I don’t recall thinking of the color of his skin but I do recall thinking much about what the man was made of and this is why we voted for him. Those of you who keep setting your minds on skin color as an excuse and trying to keep others thinking about it are misleading others and very foolish indeed. By the way, Lynn Swann did not back Barack Obama and color had nothing to do with this.

As a believer in the Word of God I will pray for this man that we may live as described in this passage of Scripture:
“First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1Tim 1:1-4
Also, this passage gives me understanding of how God wants me to think:
“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” Rom 13:1-4
As I look into these passages in their own context and the context of the rest of God’s Word, I must say something in regards to this man who will be in authority over me as far as the government goes. In the first verse referenced the Apostle Paul tells us what “is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior”. It is “so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity”. This makes me think of the security of our nation and also causes me to want to know what God meant when He inspired Paul to also say the words “in all godliness and dignity”. There are many Biblical concerns -which I may look into here later- regarding the security of our nation as it relates to this next President of the USA. Concerns about deadly terrorists and concerns about how we deal with what God calls “the apple of My eye” which is Israel. We know FOR A FACT that Barack Obama is very much for the killing of innocent and voiceless people; he is for the assistance of ungodly and unnatural affection between people of the same sex. This is just some of what can be said is FACT about this man. So if we are to pray for this man and our country we must consider what “godliness” is and what “dignity” is. Godliness and dignity here basically means having the fear of God in your ideas and conduct. For what we know about Barack Obama, does he have godliness or dignity? Not according to God’s Word. Maybe according to those who have been foolishly taken by his mere talk and the way he has falsely presented himself as a messiah like character. My prayers are that God will expose this man for who he really is and that people in this country may become more aware of the danger of having him as our commander and chief.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

There you go again...

The following is a reply to a commenter on my last post here.

I believe the things said here should be out in the open better than just is another comment...

There you go again...

My point on this whole issue with Barack Obama is that I believe he is worthy of being distrusted as an American President. And though I can not fully agree with the only other truly possible option we have, at least he is not given as great of a concern for danger as Obama has. All the points I have made are of the same as many who question Obama's motivation and ideas. He has absolutely no proven experience -certainly nothing that merits becoming the commander and chief in war as needed- except that he has learned how to sway many people with his tongue and money.

I believe in a Holy and Just God and His only Son Jesus Christ our Savior. I believe in EVERY Word that has come out of His mouth in the Holy Scriptures. I wish to take none away and I add no more. If you do either of these (take away or add) you have some other God that is alien to the true God of the Holy Bible because He does not contradict Himself. God clearly states that the killing of our own offspring - those never given a chance to do right or wrong and never having a voice- is a great sin in His sight. Woman can do what they want with their bodies even if it means destroying other human beings rights and bodies in the process? Knowing Barack accepts and pushes this idea of permitting the execution of some innocent and voiceless humans for the convenience of others causes me to be absolutely certain he can not be trusted in any other way. The God of the Scriptures as He first uttered them (without any of today's perversions from men) also makes it very clear that Homosexuality is contrary to the nature of man as He has ordained and created them to be.

The preservation of our great country is at stake in these days of subtle trickery coming from those who wish all of us -except those who bow to the false god Alla- to be executed no differently than the babies in the womb who are hacked to death each day in America. You know as well as I do that what I say is undeniable fact here. If we trust Obama to so-called "talk" with our enemies and find peace, we are fools indeed. We know they are determined and we know their tactics are to come in through stealth smiling at us as if they are our friends all the while plotting and then preparing to play out their violent attacks on Americans, Jews, and any who will not yield to their religion. I can't help but recall how excited some were in World War to hear Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain say that he has talked with Hitler and produced peace and then suddenly far more hell broke out on them from a man who built his career on propaganda and sweet sounding promised of how his government will help the people out.

I could go on but it makes no sense to when we know the above facts about this man Barack Obama. Placing a man with Obama's mentality in the highest office of our government is dangerous indeed for the future of Americans.

For the sake of this generation and the next I now pray that others will not be as duped as those from World War 2.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

A follow-up of my last post regarding Barack Obama..

As a follow up to my last post I wish to share about the matter of racism in this country as well as a wider view of all that may be happening in this country. As I was looking into some information on the man Alan Keyes I came across some interesting things. The following is a quote regarding Alan Keyes and the Illinois Senate campaign in 2004 which is found on Wikipedia:
During the campaign, Keyes outlined an alternative to reparations for slavery. His specific suggestion was that, for a period of one or two generations, African-Americans who were descended from slaves would be exempt from the federal income tax (though not from the FICA tax that supports Social Security). Keyes said the experiment "would become a demonstration project for what I believe needs to be done for the whole country, which is to get rid of the income tax.
Then when you look into the term reparations for slavery we find this on Wikipedia:
Reparations for slavery is a proposal by some in the United States that some type of compensation should be provided to the descendants of enslaved people, in consideration of the labor provided for free over several centuries, which has been a powerful and influential factor in the development of the country.
Can we as Americans deny this fact of slavery which happened in our country? Is it not truth that these slaves worked very hard under difficult, harsh, and even brutal conditions and that, at least in part, because they did this this county grew to the place it is in today? I am not a black man nor am I aware of any slavery in my ancestry but the idea of reparations for the slavery of certain ancestries sounds fair to me if it is not taken to some perverted end of taking too much from those who have worked very hard and giving it to those who are not working when they can to earn a living well on their own if they could just get motivated. As far as details to how this "reparations" is fair that is another matter. Too many capable adults of all colors -including white people- are spoon fed by a foolish socialist government mentality which keep some unnecessarily dependent and unmotivated to do well for themselves. This country under it's conservative side offers the right USA views on how to encourage and motivate people to do what they really can and yet will have to give to those who are truly in need like the genuinely disabled, weak, or elderly of our land.

This brings me to the follow up of my last post regarding Barack Obama. It has been proven that this man Barack Obama is affiliated with some who wish to provoke and promote racism in another form all over again in this country of ours. For instance, his so-called pastor Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. -whom I see as none other than a minister of Satan and is no way is to be considered reverend- has been clearly doing this for some time. There is too much clear evidence that Barack Obama has racism motivating his plans for America. This is just another of the many dangers involved with permitting a racist and murderer of innocent offspring of the human race into the office of the highest Governing position of this country. Keep this man out of this high office as he is unfit for the position and will work to undermine any good morals left standing in the USA.

The following found in Lev. 26:14-17 is of the Old Covenant but I want to bring out a point from it:
‘But if you do not obey Me and do not carry out all these commandments, if, instead, you reject My statutes, and if your soul abhors My ordinances so as not to carry out all My commandments, and so break My covenant, I, in turn, will do this to you: I will appoint over you a sudden terror, consumption and fever that will waste away the eyes and cause the soul to pine away; also, you will sow your seed uselessly, for your enemies will eat it up. ‘I will set My face against you so that you will be struck down before your enemies; and those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee when no one is pursuing you.
“Those who hate you will rule over you” is the key point I bring out here. If the people who call themselves God’s children do not hold fast to and stay sensitive to the true ways of God set forth in all of His Words as found in the New Covenant, and if the unbelievers –including those who have stolen the name of “Christian” in falsehood- continue to promote ungodly and wicked ways then I believe we need to be aware of God’s response of judgment.

I am looking at these words from Isaiah 3:4-5:
And I will make mere lads their princes, and capricious children will rule over them, and the people will be oppressed, each one by another, and each one by his neighbor; The youth will storm against the elder and the inferior against the honorable.
And I will leave the rest for John Calvin to bring insight to what may be happening in America now and in the near future…

And I will appoint children to be their princes. {1} That the vengeance of God may be more manifest, he now describes how sad and wretched will be the change, when competent and faithful rulers shall be taken from among them and God shall put cowardly and worthless persons in their room. By children are meant not only those who are so by age, but also by mind and conduct, such as delicate and effeminate persons, who are destitute of courage and cannot wield the sword entrusted to them. He does not here carry out the contrast, clause by clause; for he thought it enough to point out one way in which a commonwealth is speedily ruined; that is, when its rulers are weak and foolish men like children, who have no gravity or wisdom. But it must be laid down as a principle, that no man is qualified for governing a commonwealth unless he have been appointed to it by God, and be endued with uncommon excellence. Plato, too, understood this matter well: for though, being a heathen, he had no true knowledge of this kind, yet his quick sagacity enabled him to perceive that no man is fit and qualified for public government which has not been prepared for it by God in an extraordinary measure; for public government proceeds from God alone, and in like manner every part of it must be upheld by him. Besides, they whom the Lord does not govern have nothing left for them but to be children, or rather to be twice children, that is, destitute of all skill and of all wisdom.
Now the Lord executes this vengeance in two ways; because it frequently happens, that when we appear to have those who are grave and skillful in business, no sooner do they come to action than they stumble like blind men, and have no more wisdom than children; for the Lord deprives them of that remarkable ability which they had formerly received from him, and stuns them, as if he had struck them with a thunderbolt. But sometimes the Lord proceeds more gently, and gradually removes men of extraordinary ability, who were fit for ruling, and commits the reins of government to those who were unable to govern a family, or even a single child liken these things happen, it is very certain that destruction is not far off.
Besides, it deserves our notice, as I lately mentioned, that a well-regulated commonwealth is a singular gift of God, when the various orders of judges and senators, soldiers, captains, artificers, and teachers, aid each other by mutual intercourse, and join in promoting the general safety of the whole people. For when the Prophet threatens, and pronounces it to be a very severe punishment, that these things shall be taken away, he plainly shows that those eminent and uncommon gifts of God are necessary for the safety of nations. Accordingly, he here commends the office of magistrates, and captains, and soldiers, and likewise the office of teachers. This deserves our notice in opposition to fanatics, who endeavor to banish from the world the power of using the sword, together with all civil government and order. But the Prophet declares that these things are not taken away or removed unless when God is angry. It follows, therefore, that they who oppose, and, as far as lies in their power, set aside or destroy such benefits, are wicked men and enemies of the public safety.
He likewise commends instruction, without which a commonwealth cannot stand; for, as Solomon says,

where prophecy is not, the nation must be ruined. (#Pr 29:18).

At the same time, he commends the mechanical arts, agriculture, manual occupations of every description, architecture, and such like, which we cannot dispense with; for all artisans of every kind, who contribute what is useful to men, are the servants of God, and have the same end in view with those who were formerly mentioned, namely, the preservation of mankind
The same thing must be said about war; for, although lawful, war ought to be nothing else than an attempt to obtain peace; yet sometimes an engagement is unavoidable, that they who have the power of the sword may use it, and defend themselves and their followers by arms. War, therefore, is not in itself to be condemned; for it is the means of preserving the commonwealth. But neither must eloquence be despised; for it is often needed, both in public and in private life, that something may be clearly and fully explained and demonstrated to be true. This is also reckoned among the gifts and important blessings of God, when a state abounds in wise and eloquent men,
who can contend with the adversaries in the gate. (#Ps 127:5).

This passage may be thus summed up, "When God takes away those gifts, and alters the condition of a people, in whatever way this takes place, either by changing the form of government, or by taking away the rulers, the anger of God ought to be acknowledged;" for, as Hosea says,

He Taketh Away Kings In His Wrath, And Appointeth Them In His Indignation. (#Ho 13:11).

Let us not, therefore, ascribe these changes to chance or other causes.